Children Ministry

Palomar Korean Church Children Ministry

저희 유초등부는 매주일 K-5학년 학생들과 모여 하나님께 마음과 정성을 다해 예배를 드리고 말씀을 배우며 삶 속에서 하나님을 더욱 사랑하고 이웃을 사랑하며 함께 자라나는 곳입니다.

저희 교회 비전센터에 들어오시면 왼쪽 벽에 역대하 7장 성경구절이 적혀있습니다.     솔로몬이 성전을 지은 후, 기도하였을때 여호와께서 에게 나타나셔서 하신 말씀입니다.            

 “내가 이미 네 기도를 듣고 이 곳을 택하여 내게 제사하는 성전을 삼았으니 내 이름으로 일컫는 내 백성이 그들의 악한 길에서 떠나 스스로 낮추고 기도하여 내 얼굴을 찾으면 내가 하늘에서 듣고 그들의 죄를 사하고 그들의 땅을 고칠지라 이제 이 곳에서 하는 기도에 내가 눈을 들고 귀를 기울이리니이는 내가 이미 이 성전을 택하고 거룩하게 하여 내 이름을 여기에 영원히 있게 하였음이라 내 눈과 내 마음이 항상 여기에 있으리라” 이 말씀처럼 저희 아이들이 어린나이일  때부터 하나님을 찾고 기도하며 죄를 회개하고 우리의 죄를 용서하시고 생명을 주신 예수님께 감사드리고 남은 삶 속에서 성령님을 의지하여 말씀에 순종하며 하나님 안에서 목적과 꿈을 찾아 주신 달란트를 하나님 나라를 위해 살아 세상의 빛과 소금이 되길 기도합니다.


Sunday Service 11:00AM-12:00PM
Sunday Bible Study 12:00PM-12:30PM  

담당 및 문의 심혜진 전도사


Kids Blog-Daniel's dream of four beasts

2021-01-12 09:55

Last week, kids learned that God is the eternal king who judges the nations. 


Bible Story: Daniel's dream of four beasts Daniel 7

Bible Verse: Then the sovereignty, power, and greatness of all the kingdoms under heaven will be handed over to the holy people of the Most High. His kingdom will be an everlasting kingdom, and all rulers will worship and obey Him. Daniel 7:27


In the first year of Belshazzar king of Babylon, God gave Daniel visions of four beasts. The first beast was like a lion, and it had the wings of an eagle. The second beast looked like a bear and it had three ribs in its mouth between its teeth. The third beast looked like a leopard, it had four wings and four heads. The fourth beast looked most terrifying and frightening of all. It had large iron teeth and it crushed and devoured its victims and trampled underfoot whatever was left. There was also a horn that had eyes like the eyes of a human being and it spoke boastfully. Daniel also saw, thrones, the Ancient of Days taking his seat, His clothing was as white as snow, His hair was white like wool, his throne was flaming with fire, its wheels were all ablze, a river of fire was flowing, and there were thousands and thousands that stood before Him worshipping Him. He also saw the beast that was slain, destroyed, and thrown into the blazing fire. And there was one like a son of man, coming with the clouds of heaven. He was given authority, glory,and sovereign power. 


Daniel was troubled by these visions and given the interpretation of the dream. The four beasts represented the four kings that will rise from the earth. But the holy people of the Most High will receive the kingdom and will possess it forever. All the earthly kings that were given authority to rule will be destroyed and their kingdoms will come to an end. Ultimately, our God who is the king and judge will come and rule forever. His kingdom will be everlasting and everyone will worship and obey Him. 


When we look around the world, there may be times we become afraid or anxious because of all the bad news, but our God promises that He will return as the eternal king and the ultimate judge and rule forever. Although we may face persecutions as believers in Christ from our present Babylon, Persia, Greece, or Rome, God promises that those who trust in Him will receive an everlasting kingdom. So take heart, stand strong, and let us live each and every day pleasing and honoring God as we look forward to His return. 

